var titulos = new Array(); var imagenes = new Array(); var dia = new Array(); var fecha = new Array(); var ambito = new Array(); diahoy=1; meshoy=12; anohoy=2010; var flg = 0; var fs = 1; var bg = "white"; M = new Array("January","February", "March","April","May","June", "July","August","September", "October","November","December"); D = new Array("L","M","X","J","V","S","D"); M2 = new Array("Enero","Febrero","Marzo","Abril","Mayo","Junio","Julio","Agosto","Septiembre","Octubre","Noviembre","Diciembre"); M2b = new Array("Enero","Febrero","Marzo","Abril","Mayo","Junio","Julio","Agosto","Sep.","Octubre","Nov.","Dic."); qURL = ""; messiguiente = M2b[0]; mesanterior = M2b[10]; anosiguiente = 2011; anoanterior = 2010; function getBgn(soloactual) { //pdy = new Date(); // today //pmo = pdy.getMonth(); // present month //pyr = pdy.getYear(); // present year // indicar el mes desde php pdy = 1; // today pmo = 11; // present month pyr = 2010; // present year if (pyr < 2000) // Y2K Fix, Isaac Powell pyr = pyr + 1900; // document.write(''); } document.write('
'); document.write('
'); if(!soloactual){ yr = yr1 = (pmo==0?pyr-1:pyr); // last month's year mo = (pmo==0?11:pmo-1); // last month bgn = new Date(M[mo]+" 1,"+yr1); // assign to date Calendar(); // Send last month to screen document.write(''); } yr = pyr; // present year mo = pmo; // present month bgn = new Date(M[mo]+" 1,"+yr); // assign to date Calendar(); // Send this month to screen document.write(''); if(!soloactual){ // mes tres nmes = pmo+1; yr = (nmes>=12?pyr+1:pyr); // next month's year mo = (nmes>=12?(nmes-12):pmo+1); // next month bgn = new Date(M[mo]+" 1,"+yr); // assign to date Calendar(); // Send next month to screen document.write('
'); // mes cuatro nmes = pmo+2; yr = (nmes>=12?pyr+1:pyr); // next month's year mo = (nmes>=12?(nmes-12):pmo+2); // next month bgn = new Date(M[mo]+" 1,"+yr); // assign to date Calendar(); // Send next month to screen document.write(''); // mes cinco nmes = pmo+3; yr = (nmes>=12?pyr+1:pyr); // next month's year mo = (nmes>=12?(nmes-12):pmo+3); // next month bgn = new Date(M[mo]+" 1,"+yr); // assign to date Calendar(); // Send next month to screen document.write(''); // mes seis nmes = pmo+4; yr = (nmes>=12?pyr+1:pyr); // next month's year mo = (nmes>=12?(nmes-12):pmo+4); // next month bgn = new Date(M[mo]+" 1,"+yr); // assign to date Calendar(); // Send next month to screen document.write('
'); // Finish up } /*window.onload = function (){ }*/ function Calendar(){ dy = bgn.getDay(); if(dy==0)dy=7; yr = eval(yr); d = "312831303130313130313031"; if (yr / 4 == Math.floor(yr / 4)) { d = d.substring(0, 2) + "29" + d.substring(4, d.length); } pos = (mo * 2); ld = eval(d.substring(pos, pos + 2)); document.write(""); for (var i = 0;i < 7;i ++) { document.write(""); ctr = 0; emul = 0; for (var i = 1;i < 8; i++){ if (i < dy) { document.write(""); while (ctr < ld) { for (var i = 1;i < 8; i++){ ctr++; emul++; if (ctr > ld){ document.write(""); } document.write("<\/tr><\/table>"); } //solo el mes actual getBgn(true);
" + "" + M2[mo] + " " + yr+ "<\/td><\/tr>
"+"" + D[i] + "<\/td>"); } document.write("<\/tr>
"+"<\/td>"); } else { ctr++; queclass = 'lnknormal'; qlink = ''; queover = ''; fcomparar = ctr+'-'+(mo+1)+'-'+yr; if(fecha[fcomparar]==fcomparar){ qlink = qURL+dia[fcomparar]; queclass = 'lnkdestacado'; //queover = ' onmouseover="cambiatextofoto(\''+fcomparar+'\')"'; document.write(''+ '' + ctr + ''+ '<\/td>'); }else{ document.write(''+ ctr + '<\/td>'); } } } document.write("<\/tr>
"+ " <\/td>"); } else { queclass = 'lnknormal'; qlink = ''; queover = ''; fcomparar = ctr+'-'+(mo+1)+'-'+yr; if(fecha[fcomparar]==fcomparar){ qlink = qURL+dia[fcomparar]; queclass = 'lnkdestacado'; //queover = ' onmouseover="cambiatextofoto(\''+fcomparar+'\')"'; document.write(''+ '' + ctr + ''+ '<\/td>'); }else{ document.write(''+ ctr + '<\/td>'); } } } document.write("<\/tr>